Monday, December 13, 2010


It was another wonderful weekend with some great friends! We watched several movies we have been wanting to see and made white chicken chili. It was so much fun!

Sunday morning we had everyone over for brunch and worship/Bible study. We discussed more details of the church plant and we are getting ready to launch our first few branch groups (a.k.a. small groups or home groups) at the beginning of next month! This is a very exciting time full of constant changing and growing and we are very excited to see what God has in store next.

Also, (drum roll please) we finally finished the last little bit of our Christmas shopping!! We didn't buy a ton of gifts this year, but we did get a a few small things here and there. We had to finish up getting gifts for the names we drew with Brandon's family and we were able to do that this weekend. It's such a relief to be finished. Now I just have a little bit of wrapping left to do and we will be ready! :)

 And in other most of you know this has been a very exciting year for me (MaryBeth) school and career-wise. I graduated, took and passed the bar, and started my first legal job. Today, I finally received my bar number from the GA Bar Association, which means I can officially practice now! Yes!

I suppose that is all I have to share for now! More to come soon.